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Thomas A. Gromling, DDS Blog

How Long Can You Expect Your Dental Crown to Last?

March 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:27 pm
woman visiting dentist in Stephens City

If you have a vacated space in your mouth, or you’ve experienced dental trauma or decay that has severely damaged a tooth, a porcelain dental crown can restore your aesthetics and functionality. Once the new fixture is in place, the next step is to ensure that it lasts. How much mileage can you expect to get from a dental crown, and what can be done to extend its life? As you continue reading, a dentist in Stephens City provides the answers.


If You’re Not Flossing Every Day, Here’s Why You Should!

March 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:08 pm
woman visiting dentist in Stephens City

If you’re like most people, you’re sure to brush your teeth at least once a day. However, flossing is a slightly more time-consuming preventive measure. Thus, it’s easy to slack off in this department. A dentist in Stephens City says skipping flossing can be a big mistake. Find out why as you continue reading!


5 Benefits of Choosing a Family Dentist

February 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:24 am
Young family visiting office of family dentist in Stephens City

Between school, work, and weekend playdates, coordinating an entire family’s dental appointments can seem like an impossible task. This is especially true when children, their parents, and perhaps even their grandparents all have different dentists. Why not simplify things? Here are 5 major benefits of choosing a family dentist in Stephens City.


Should You Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

February 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:03 pm
Giant tooth next to red dental emergency kit

Dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them. If you suddenly get a tooth knocked loose, you may feel panicked and not know where to turn. According to the American Dental Association, millions of Americans head to an emergency room when they suffer from dental trauma or infection. However, for many urgent dental issues, seeking care from an emergency dentist is the better option. Keep reading below to discover why you should usually call an emergency dentist in Stephens City instead of going to the ER.


5 New Year’s Resolution for a Healthy Smile

January 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:11 am
Champagne on New Year's Eve

Everyone wants to have a healthy smile, but many people don’t take all of the right steps to get there. Fortunately, this time of year is great for making changes to become a better version of yourself. Whether you are working to eat healthier, spend extra time at the gym, or do one act of kindness each day, you are bound to see positive changes in your life. But don’t leave your smile behind! A dentist in Stephens City shares some ideas for New Year’s resolutions that will benefit your oral health.


3 Fad Diets That Could Be Harming Your Oral Health

January 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:26 pm
Juice cleanse fad diet

Diets are a very common way for people to try to reach goals regarding their health. There are all sorts of reasons why you may decide to go on one. Whether you are trying to cut out processed foods, want to drop a few pounds, or are trying to eat healthier, a diet can help you get there. While some diets may be great for your waistline, that may not be the case for your teeth. Continue reading to learn more from a dentist in Stephens City about the popular diets that can actually harm your oral health.


The Four Stages of Sleep and Why They’re Important

December 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:08 pm
woman sleeping in bed

Sleep apnea affects over twenty million Americans. If you are someone who struggles with it, then you are likely waking up with the familiar feeling that you just didn’t get the sleep you needed the night before. Regardless of how early you go to bed or how long you allow yourself to sleep in, the amount of actual rest your body receives is dependent upon whether or not you were able to cycle through all four stages of sleep. Keep reading to learn about each stage and how sleep apnea in Stephens City can affect them.


Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?

December 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:13 am
Woman with dental implants in Stephens City

Are you looking for a way to replace your missing teeth? Approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth while 40 million are missing all of there teeth. The good news is that with modern dental technology, like dental implants in Stephens City, missing teeth can be a thing of your past. However, are implants worth the investment? Read on to learn about the different benefits of tooth implants so that you can decide for yourself.


Why Is Sleep Apnea Becoming Increasingly Common?

November 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:49 am
Person with sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, but especially in the United States. This is a condition that occurs when the upper airway becomes blocked repeatedly while you sleep. This reduces and can even completely halt airflow. Approximately 22 million Americans are living with this condition and 80% of cases of moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea cases are undiagnosed. Sleep apnea is not only dangerous, but it is also on the rise. Continue reading to learn why more and more people are suffering from sleep apnea in Stephens City.


6 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth

November 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:05 pm
Woman smiling

You use your teeth every single day, but you may not think about it all that often. When it comes to speaking, chewing your food, and even holding saliva in your mouth, it would certainly be a struggle without having your beautiful pearly whites there to help you out. However, there are a bunch of things about your teeth that you probably don’t already know. Continue reading to learn some interesting facts about your teeth from your dentist in Stephens City.

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